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Overwhelming strike votes send 36,000 messages of solidarity

Sandra Flores

Last week, three of the Alliance’s largest unions – UNAC/UHCP, USW Local 7600, and OFNHP – announced that over 95% of each union’s members voted to authorize a strike. This week, two more locals announced their members also voted overwhelmingly to authorize strikes – UNITE HERE Local 5 in Hawaii, and UFCW Locals in SCAL.

Collectively, these five unions represent 36,000 Alliance members eligible to strike now. Another 2,450 UFCW Local 1996 members in Georgia are currently voting, and 760 members of UFCW Local 21 in Washington may vote soon.

Alliance and KP negotiators are back at the bargaining table meeting in subgroups tackling specific issues. With pressure building from our strike votes, there was some limited progress, including a tentative agreement to add funds to the Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust.

“Our high strike vote margins show we are more united than ever and ready to strike if necessary to protect our patients and each other. We’re still talking, but KP execs remain woefully disconnected to our daily reality: a snowballing staffing shortage, and overwhelming patient needs,” said Micheal Barnett, president of USW Local 7600.

KP has maintained its proposal on 1% and two-tier. We have yet to make progress on major issues including local bargaining, tuition reimbursement/student loan forgiveness, SCAL wage justice, improving benefits for regions below KP standards, and fair first contracts for new groups of workers who have joined Alliance unions.

Since these negotiations started the Alliance has made clear that we were frustrated by the slow pace of discussions, by the lack of data transparency, and by the adversarial position taken by senior management.

At the kickoff bargaining session in April, Executive Director Hal Ruddick warned KP execs, “do not take our commitment to partnership as a sign we will accept anything less than the best contract,” and we have not stepped back from our solemn commitments to each other.


  1. RALLY AND MARCH IN PASADENA | 12:00 PM (NOON) | SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30TH Sign up to attend the rally and march in Pasadena, California on Saturday, October 30th.

  2. UNION SOLIDARITY TUESDAYS Every Tuesday, wear your union gear to work until we win a fair contract. (Mondays if you’re in Colorado). Take a photo wearing your union gear and post it on social media with the hashtag #BestJobsBestCare. Remember to tag KP @KPThrive and your local union.

  3. LOCAL ACTIONS In the coming days, connect with your local union to participate in local actions and learn about the next steps in our national contract campaign. Remember to follow your local union and the Alliance on social media. Our handle is @AHCUnions. Check our website for upcoming updates and breaking news on national bargaining.

  4. SIGN THE PETITION Tell KP to invest in patient care and health care workers. Scan the QR code to sign the petition. After you sign it, share it co-workers and friends on social media.


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