For years, Alliance UNITE HERE! Local 5 and HNHP members have urged KP to remove the unfair double gate requirement from the Hawai’i Alliance PSP.
Hawai’i was the only region to require both a financial gate AND a positive margin for a full PSP payout. We called on Kaiser Permanente leadership to do the right thing with numerous meetings and hundreds of petitions. When Kaiser executives didn’t act, we filed a national dispute and won!
As a resolution, KP agreed to pay the full 2022 PSP award retroactively. Alliance members received a $800 partial PSP (prorated for part-time) in March 2023 because the financial gate was determined not met. As a result of our national dispute, the financial gate for 2022 is agreed to have been met and full payout is due. As a result, HNHP and UNITE HERE Local 5 members will be paid the difference between a full PSP payout and what they actually received.
HNHP and UNITE HERE Local 5 members will get backpay for the difference: See the chart below as an example breakdown.
The amount will be pro-rated for employees with less than 1800 hours. The pro-ration will be based on your hours in 2022, not your current status.
Despite KP trying to create and enforce different PSP rules for HNHP & UNITE HERE! Local 5 members in Hawai’i, we successfully won the dispute filed against Kaiser and proved that strength is found in our solidarity and perseverance when we call on KP to do the right thing! — Terilyn Carvalho Luke, RN, President, HNHP
By standing together, as Alliance members in Hawai’i, WE WON that dispute and that win is long-lasting. We will continue to benefit from all the hard work we put forth. — Jaron Dias, Organizer, UNITE HERE! Local 5
To learn more, please reach out to your union representative.
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